Saturday, April 4, 2009

NPCC Bronze Proficiency Badge Test

Yesterday, I had something different during my CCA. Instead of foot drills, we had a test instead. I was not too prepared for it as my senior just emailed me on Wednesday night.

In the email, he said that the content tested only included the five aspects of Total Defence, national symbols, national pledge, Singapore's history before WWII, and nation building after WWII. But in the test, I was also assessed on my knowledge of the Japanese Occupation. I had to depend purely on my memory for this part of the test.

Before the test, I was rather nervous as I did not revise sufficiently for the test. I had only memorised the five aspects of Total Defence, the national pledge and national symbols. I still had Singapore's history to go through, which was making me panic quite a lot. I revised as much as I could until it was time to assemble at SALT Centre.

The squad was brought to the NPCC activity rooms and the test began. I flipped through and discovered that it only had 50 MCQ questions. Most of them were rather easy, and some had really ridiculous answers.

What can an aggressor potentially do to Singapore?
a. Cause racial and religious tension by exploiting the fact that Singapore is a multi-racial and multi-religious country
b. Make Singaporeans lose confidence in their defence
c. Kidnap the country's citizens to a faraway place

Option C is obviously wrong so the answer was options A and B only.

What was the wartime currency used in Singapore during the Japanese Occupation?
a. Papaya money
b. Yen
c. Banana money

The answer is C.

I am quite confident that I can pass the test and attain Bronze as the passing mark is 70%, which means that I can have 15 wrong answers.


  1. Hello Shilin,
    So it turns out that you are in NPCC. Who else is in NPCC? I only know Zhu Cheng, Aloysius Oh, and, if I am not wrong, Timothy Ling. Anyway, why exactly does NPCC have tests? I have never heard of CCAs testing students before.
    You said that the passing mark, and also the mark needed to get bronze is 35 out of 50, which is 70%. Hmmm... I think that that is a little too demanding, provided that the questions are really idiot proof. Definitely the question that you posted about the currency used during the Japanese Occupation in Singapore is really easy. You are definitely correct. I have never heard of the term "papaya money" before. What a ridiculous option.
    By the way, do you know what mark is needed to obtain silver and gold? I suppose that you must have a near perfect score to obtain gold. Oh,and another question: How long exactly did the test last for? You did not state that in your blog entry.

  2. Hi Ernest =D,
    Thanks for reading my blog. The test was only 1 hour, quite short. In this test, you can't obtain Silver or Gold, you can only pass or fail. If you pass, you get Bronze Proficiency. The Silver and Gold tests are only in upper sec., i think.
    P.S. Tim Ling is in NCC.

  3. Hi Shilin,

    Firstly, I must attempt to comment on Ernest's remarks. THE QUESTIONS ARE NOT IDIOT-PROOF!!!There were quite a no. of questions which can be quite challenging, though it's still possible to pass.

    Anyway, best of luck Shilin. We learnt some of the stuff from our GEP social studies syllabus. I personally felt that the questions were average. They varied tremendously in difficulty levels, butit was still possible to complete the paper.

    Unfortunately, I have answered two questions wrongly so far.

    Anyway, I wonder when will the results be released. They're taking a considerable amount of time to assess the papers. They're really really slow.

    Zhu Cheng
